Amandine Ayala
6 min readFeb 11, 2021

I don’t know about you, but for me, the first couple of weeks of 2021 were quite a struggle. I was feeling quite low and shitty, and doubting myself a lot.

On the plus side, that meant I had to prioritize my self-care.

But the truth is, self-care doesn’t come naturally to me. I was conditioned to live life the hard way, hustle and push through. I’ve learned that it does not serve me nor my work. Struggles and self-doubt are part of the entrepreneur’s journey. And pushing through will only lead to more struggles, resistance and frustration. Potentially burn-out. I’ve had to learn and practice self-care for myself and for my business. To build a business that actually incorporates self-care, a business that works for me.

It has been quite the self-care journey, and still is. It has transformed my life and my business profoundly. That’s why I am so passionate about helping other womxn entrepreneurs understanding the importance of self-care and implementing it in their business. And doing so in a way that works for them, and that isn’t overwhelming.

So today I want to share with you 3 empowering self-care rituals that you can start implementing right away to start transforming your life and business. Even if you start with just one. In fact, I recommend picking one and sticking to it before going to the next. Focus is self-care.


When I’m in one of those moods and all I want to do is stay in bed and watch Schitt’s Creek all day, I know that moving my body can help shift the stuck energy and clear my mind. One of my favourite ways to do that is to go for a walk in nature. The magic of nature’s beauty leaves me in such awe that it doesn’t leave much space for negative inner chatter. It’s the best way to get my head clear and sharp and ready to work on my business when I get home (that and a cup of Vif!).

Having a little dance off in your bedroom is also a great way to get your body moving. Dancing is such a wonderful way to loosen up, shift the energy, and get that good fuel going. Or workout if that’s what you’re into. Stretch, even. Stretching will shift the energy beautifully and help you get in that place to take on anything. Whatever gets you going, whatever you enjoy doing (fun is an important factor), movement is key. Finds what works for you, then do it every day.


But it’s possibly the most empowering thing I’ve implemented since starting my entrepreneurial journey. It’s my ‘no phone for the first hour of the day’ policy. I used to be ‘that guy’ — waking up and immediately checking my work emails. That was me! Ew. I never gave my brain the space to wake up, or my mind the time to process information. As a result my mental health at the time was not good. As I became aware of how damaging this habit was on my body and my mind I chose to make some changes.

So now, I never look at my phone for the first hour of the day. It was really hard at first. It’s hard to break a habit like that. But I did, and now I have a new habit of NOT looking at my phone first thing, and honestly it has changed my life. If you do this too, and pair it with tip number 1 — a walk in nature or any form of movement — you can be sure that your day will be transformed, and so will your state of mind. That’s the energy you want to bring to your business.

If this tip freaks you out (I get it!), it means you’re into something. Give a go. Start the first half-hour of your day phone-free. Be gentle with yourself, set yourself a goal you can easily achieve to start with. And please let me know how that goes 😉


Because I will often forget, even though it is so powerful. Let me ask you this: how often do you tell yourself you love yourself? I’m guessing not that often. Am I right? Maybe even not at all? I know, I’ve been there.

This is a hard one for me too, but I’ve committed to a new powerful practice. These days this is what I do: when I look at myself in the mirror, usually when getting ready, I make a point of looking at my reflection straight in the eyes, and as honestly and truly as I can, I say: I love you. I know it might seem corny and all, but when you think about it, aren’t we the person we spend the most time with, ever?

I mean, how many times do you tell your kids you love them? Or your partner, or your pets? I can tell you that I tell my cat that I love her multiple times a day. But I can’t tell myself that I love myself? That doesn’t make sense. This is something we need to learn. We need to hear and know that we are here for ourselves.

Sometimes as I do this I cry. Because I’ve needed to hear those words so much. And that is healing. That’s fucking self-care. Ultimate self-care and self-love.

So find your own way, your own practice to tell yourself: ‘I love you’ and try to do it at least once a day. Or at least as often as you tell someone in your circle that you love them. Because you’re it, you are it. I look at myself with much more compassion than I used to, and that’s huge. And if I can do it, you can do it too.

I invite you to try it for yourself. Practice, practice, practice, and you’ll see 🙂


And this one has been really helping me during this low stretch in January: tea. Or a warm beverage that makes you feel good, because there’s so much comfort in that. For me it’s been sipping on my Winter Tea blend, Hiver. Hiver (means winter in French) is a spicy and delicious blend that warms my heart and my bones.

Find a warm beverage that makes you feel good, and make it a ritual. Whether it’s your favourite coffee, your favourite tea, or another drink you love, take the time to prepare it, consciously, and sit with it. Feel its warmth in your hands while waiting for it to cool down. Breather. That time is for you, to simply be. And that is self-care.

If you want to try out the Winter Tea blend, it is still available in the Winter Tea box (not for long though!). It’s a lovely gift package you can get for yourself, a loved one or a client, with a seasonal hemp-based tea blend and handcrafted mug. Check it out!

And please let me know if you start with one or more of these self-care practices, I’d love to know how it’s going for you!

Much love,

Amandine xo

P.S. If you’d like support to help you stay consistent with your self-care practices, join our community of conscious womxn entrepreneurs for inspiration and support!!



Amandine Ayala

Amandine, founder of Bloem & Moi , believes in the power of all plants. With her work she provides Self-care for Womxn Entrepreneurs who love Cannabis.